Contract Documents are available electronically for purchase at the District, or by phone at (520) 723-5408 extension 14. Bids shall be submitted in sealed envelopes with the District’s name and the project title in bold print on the outside.
A non-refundable fee of USD50 for the documents shall be made payable to the San Carlos Irrigation and Drainage District. To obtain Contract Documents, contact Chad Wegley (District Engineer) by e-mail at
Payment for purchase of contract documents will not be refunded.
Date of opening bids: September 12, 2011
Submit Bids to General Manager San Carlos Irrigation and Drainage District, 120 South 3rd Street, Coolidge, Arizona 85128 until 2:00 pm (M.S.T.)
Bid Opening: San Carlos, AZ Irrigation and Drainage District 120 South 3rd street, Coolidge, AZ 85128 approximately 2:30 Pm (MST).
Bids received after the submittal deadline time (September 12, 2011 at 2:00 PM (MST) will be returned unopened to the bidder. The bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at the location and time stated above.
A pre-bid conference and tour of the Project area will be held at 1:30pm (MST) on August 17, 2011, at the District’s office. Attendance at the pre-bid conference is not mandatory, and attendance at the conference will not be a factor in scoring of bids.
Equipment required under these specifications shall be delivered, unloaded, and assembled at the District’s Florence-Casa Grande Canal Settling Basin, located within Pinal County, Arizona, approximately 9 miles northeast of the City of Florence, Arizona at the Gila River.
The work to be performed under these specifications includes procurement of equipment, spare parts, and all appurtenances thereto required for removal (by others) of sediment from the Florence-Casa Grande Settling Basin, and the necessary communications, monitoring and control equipment and software needed for operation of these facilities.
The Contract Documents shall consist of, but not be limited to, the Invitation For Bids, the Instructions to Bidders, the accepted Pro
posal and Proposal Bidding Schedule, the Contractor’s Licensing Statement, the Information Required of Bidders, the Agreement, the Proposal Bond, the Faithful Performance Bond, the Payment Bond, the Non-Collusion Affidavits, the Notice to Proceed, the General Conditions, the Special Conditions, the Specifications and Drawings, and any change order or Addenda, setting forth any modifications or interpretations of any said Documents, all of which are on file or will be on file in the office of the District, 120 South 3rd Street, Coolidge, Arizona 85128, and which are hereby referred to and made a part of this Invitation For Bids. These documents are available for inspection at no charge.
Prospective Bidders that purchase documents will be added to a Planholder’s list and will receive notifications and addenda during the bidding process via e-mail only. Notifications and addenda will not be sent by fax, certified mail, or any other means.
All communications relative to this work shall be directed Written responses that are provided to any Prospective Bidder will be provided to all Planholders in the form of an addendum to the Contract Documents. Responses will not be provided to any communications received after 5:00pm (MST) on September 6, 2011. In written form to David Miller, PE, Project Manager (fax no. (916) 631-4501) or e-mail be sent by fax, certified mail, or any other means.