The three recently ordered cranes will be delivered in October 2012. The parties have agreed not to disclose the value of the new order.
Thanks to exceptional growth in cargo over the last year, Luka Koper has become the largest container terminal in the Northern Adriatic, and the company is further improving operational efficiency in its terminal. In 2011, Luka Koper’s container terminal handled and stored record amounts of container freight, with throughput amounting to nearly 590,000 TEUs.
“We are very pleased that Luka Koper opted for Konecranes RTGs which have advanced performance and eco-efficient technologies,” says Thomas Gylling from Konecranes. “Luka Koper is deploying our cranes with a very high utilization rate under tough container handling conditions, and we are confident that the new cranes with the new technology aboard will raise the RTG performance benchmark in the area still further.”
The cranes recently ordered are the first 16-wheel RTG cranes in the port, and they come with Konecranes’ advanced load handling system Active Load Control that significantly improves the container handling performance. The cranes are equipped with the latest DGPS-assisted technology for container yards. This includes the Autosteering feature, which keeps the crane on a pre-programmed straight driving path, thus improving safety and increasing productivity. The RTG container positioning system is connected to the port’s terminal operating system, ensuring correct, real time container positioning and maintaining accuracy in inventory. Container handling efficiency is further increased by the Autostop feature, which assists the driver by automatically stopping the crane in the correct position for the target container or slot.
In addition, the cranes will be equipped with technology for remote monitoring, predictive maintenance and remote support. The eco-efficient Konecranes fuel-saving system that will be included reduces fuel consumption significantly by eliminating high-speed idling. It also reduces noise and emissions.
The RTG cranes ordered have a lifting capacity of 40 tons. They can lift one over five containers high, and seven plus truck lane wide.