eNav International is the brand new platform launched by Geomares Publishing at www.enav-international.com. Singhota warns that IMO chose to develop of the concept of e-navigation from a ‘user-driven’ standpoint. However, says Singhota: ‘The industry is represented by the international non-governmental organisations, which have a consultative status at IMO and this enables it to be fully involved in the development process.’ The lead body of IMO developing e-navigation, the Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation, will next meet from 2 to 6 July 2012. According to Singhota, e?navigation has the potential to make a huge contribution to enhanced navigational safety and will have a positive effect on environmental protection and maritime safety in general, while simultaneously reducing the burden on the navigator. The full interview with Gupreet Singhota will be published on eNav International. Click here for a sneak preview of our new platform on e-navigation eNav International (link sub newsletter) and subscribe to the newsletter so as to keep up to date with all developments in the domain of e-navigation.
eNav International offers independent news and expert opinions; job opportunities, training and education; events and more, under the motto Supporting Safety at Sea