In very short time, Portunus had completed first ship to shore gantry crane and handed over to Turkish State Railways (TCDD) company in June 2012. After cancelling privatization of Izmir Port, Turkish State Railways(TCDD) decided to renew its facility. In the meantime, two new container port had been established in ?zmir area and also APM Terminal had announced that they are planning to launch new container terminal in the same area. To compete with existing ports and prepare themselves for potential additional competition, TCDD wanted to refurbish their ship to shore gantry cranes and last year Portunus took the job.
Portunus Port Spares & Services Sales Manager H. Onder TURKER says “Portunus established in 1992 and with 20 years experience, we achieved this success. I have to say that we proud of our services. On the counter side, we are also very happy for our origin country, Turkey, to have such a good conditioned ship to shore gantry crane!”
Portunus started to this project in the last period of 2011 and almost changed the soul of the crane. All steel structure had been checked by Lyodd and without changing any major dimentions, necessary repairs had been completed. Then from operator cabin to wire ropes, from brakes to buffers, all point had been checked, repaired or replaced. New elevator has been installed to ship to shore gantry crane. Considering 40*C weather condition in the summer time, this will make operators and technicians’ life easier. PLS system had been replaced completely with new system.
Portunus Sales Manager H. Onder TURKER added “Manufacturer of this crane does not exist anymore. Because of this special condition, it was not easy to find same parts which were on the crane. Then we decided to install our own systems and thanks to Portunus engineers, this crane became one of the best crane in the world!”
Portunus refurbishment contract is for n.5 ship to shore gantry cranes. Now Portunus started to second crane and totally in 2 years time, all cranes will be in operations. Onder Turker from Portunus says “Comparing to new crane purchasing prices, refurbishment deals are relaxing port managements a lot if they have limited budgets. The most important thing is to choose correct company. Portunus had completed refurbishment projects in Yemen, Georgia, Sudan, Tanzania, Turkey, etc. and proved its success. As a result of it, we are planning to announce new deals very soon.”