Designed to provide a reference framework, the document was signed last week at a meeting celebrating the third anniversary of the initiative, which also involves local authorities, professional associations, industrial companies, state agencies and employee representatives in a scheme that seeks to achieve shared visions through ongoing collaboration.
Following a presentation at the meeting, the collaboration will now extend to the Plateforme Industrielle et d’Innovation de Caban Tonkin (PIICTO) – an association launched last year by the port authority and nine companies based in the 1200-hectare heart of ZIP to promote synergies, innovation and new investment in their largely energy-related activity sector.
Several new projects were also adopted for joint action. A call for proposals to develop industrial and environmental tourism is scheduled for early next year. Meanwhile schools of architecture have been approached to visualise plans for a ‘ZIP House’ information centre promoting the area’s economic, employment and heritage potential, with responses expected before next
summer. In addition, tests are now being carried out until the end of March on a toll-free telephone service dedicated to questions and comments from local residents.