Ronald Lugthart: “Due to the high degree of automation at RWG, the introduction of a 100% preannouncement procedure for containers and cargo via Portbase and the implementation of simplified customs procedures, over 95% of the administrative process is now completely digitised. This means that the administrative process can operate independently of the logistic process at the terminal, enabling fast and reliable handling.”
Anneke van den Breemer: “As Dutch customs, our goal is to minimise any disruption to the logistic process caused by the required customs formalities. RWG and customs have recently been collaborating intensively. At the RWG terminal, optimal use is now being made of the simplified customs procedures. This is in the best interest of all parties: not just of the terminal and customs, but of freight forwarders and hauliers as well.”
Simplified procedures By applying these simplified customs procedures, RWG is able to implement a fully automated gate process for road hauliers. This has great benefits for hauliers because no physical customs handling has to take place at the RWG terminal and thus no stop has to be made. RWG is the first terminal in the port of Rotterdam to act as an Authorised Consignee, which means the customs transit will be automatically ended upon arrival at the terminal. This gives parties involved extra assurance that this transit has been cleared properly.
State-of-the-art inspection methods In addition to simplified customs procedures, constructive cooperation between customs and RWG has also resulted in the establishment of a new scanning facility that is fully integrated into the terminal’s automated logistic process. This scanning facility is operating 24/7. Furthermore, 100% nuclear detection takes place for truck and rail handling. A high percentage of the containers arriving and departing by barge will be inspected for nuclear radiation as well. The latter is yet another innovation at the RWG terminal made possible by RWG in collaboration with customs.