Announcing the annual results, Mr B Ravi, Chief Financial Officer, said here the income was Rs 1,935 crore (Rs 1,426 crore) while PAT stood at Rs 986 crore (Rs 701 crore).?In the fourth quarter of 2010-11, the revenues increased 50 percent to Rs 644 crore (Rs 428 crore) while net profit went up by 74 per cent to Rs 335 crore (Rs 192 crore), he said.?Mr Gautam Adani, Chairman, said the company was now aiming at handling 200 million tonnes of cargo volumes at Mundra by the year 2020.?With the addition of the company’s forthcoming facilities at Dahej, Visakhapatnam, Hazira, Goa and Australia, it would have a capacity of 215mt a year in India by 2012-13 and another 265 mt/year at Abbot Point, Australia, in the next couple of years. Mr Ravi said the Mundra Port, which handled 52mt of cargo in FY11 as against 40.29mt in FY10, had now emerged as the seventh largest port in India with market share of 8.5 percent (1.7 percent). As against other ports, which grew 2 percent, Mundra Port grew by 30 percent in 2010-11, registering a 30 percent jump in cargo handling boosted by higher bulk/container business. With the commissioning of all the units of ongoing thermal power generation projects of Adani Power Ltd (APL) and Tata Power at Mundra, the company’s coal handling volumes would be nearly half of the total volumes handled in the next two to three years.